NAMES 2022

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I am all for closing threads that get too contentious, but I am not for closing threads due to people resorting to name calling, instead of just engaging in an informative converstation. Closing the thread just means that those who resort to name calling get to dictate what the rest of us are capable of discussing in a perfectly civilized and gentlemanly way.
I am not offended by anyone else's opinions, and without understanding how others feel about any topic then it is impossible to ever try and come together to resolve any issues.

Nobody should be afraid to express a genuine opinion in this country about Covid, since I think in the end it is about getting over the entire Covid thing and getting back to the things we love, such as NAMES.
Covid is affecting model making whether we want it to or not.

Lets have a good civil discussion, as we have done here for a very long time (I was here back in 2011), and not resort to heavy handed tactics in order to please a few. Let this forum be for all voices, and let everyone be heard.
Keep it polite, we are all in this together.

Agree to disagree; that is what it is all about.
I have great respect for ALL the members here. I want to hear what everyone has to say.
This group is capable of having a good conversation about anything.
Respect the fact that we have differences, and that we often approach things differently in life; that is is OK !!!

I agree 100%. I see nothing wrong with what has been said so far, altho' some of it might be on the very edge of that, but consider if those who MIGHT be contentious were good friends--would it be all that contentious? Not really. Usually we do not get that close to 'biting' people we don't know personally without it upsetting one or both sides. I mean, no one goes up to a complete stranger and says certain things that one might say to a close friend, neighbor or relative without getting into a fight. I know that there are several things people have said that I disagree with but even then, I usually learn something interesting in that conversation. Also, the very same peeps I might disagree with on some item, I will agree with that same person on some other issue.

I make a lot of jokes but often there will be someone who might not get the joke and take it too seriously--I do NOT apologize for this. Some jokes are very complicated--they are for amuzement, they are all like puzzles, to be examined and put togther. I know some of you are very good at getting my jokes and replying with other good jokes, but I have never made a bad joke about anyone on this forum. However, one person was very upset with a question I posed and my question was taken off the forum--I (very large text here) was VERY upset by THAT! Apparently this person thot I was insulting him. This was not the case. I posed my question in such a manner that I was asking for an evaluation of some corvid conspiracy utub vid. I never did understand why anyone would get upset by my query.

So anyone who gets upset should take up smoking.
The problem these days is that some folks are hypersensitive about everything, and there is nothing I can do about that except try and be as sentitive as possible to everyone.

People have gone one step further though in recent times, and it seems to have progressed into a phase where if someone is sensitive to a particular topic, then they will project that on everyone else, and shut down converstations that may be complex and sometimes messy to discuss. That does not mean these topics are not worthy of discussion though; discussion is very necessary in this world.
So you have a few who more or less dictate what the rest of us can discuss in an open and objective (respectful) way.

There are plenty of threads on this forum for everyone to engage in, and nobody is forcing anyone to come to this thread and engage in what many consider very important conversation about NAMES and the things that are affecting it and many other engine shows.
If this conversation bothers you, for goodness sake, don't engage in the discussions that bother you.

But this is call the "Land of the Free", and "Free" should include the ability to discuss things in a civilized manner amongst fellow modelers.
I understand this is a privately owned forum, but I would highly encourage the management to not just jump in and shut down threads because there are a few that the conversation does not strike their fancy.

Let freedom reign, as they say, and lets have a good civilized conversation where we can share information in a peer group, and all get along.
We are grown adults, and grown adults can and should be able to have grownup conversations.

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