Here is the tentative layout of the arena layout as always it may be subject to changes around the edges. It is basically the same size as last years layout.
This is the schedule on seminars, There could be another addition to Sunday @ 1pm Ron Grimes redoing his Saturday one.
As with every schedule subject to health, weather and life changes may occur.
Since it just down the road from last years arena. hotel info is about the same. No new ones added so far.
The steam course has been cancelled this year!
If you are interested in taking it for next year please contact Jim Snider his contact is pjsniderat Live dot com
Also if anybody would like to help set up the show, we will be starting on April 17th at 9am. Please if you would like to help any of the the days leading to Thursday. Please email Mike Danko with the days you can work, midan543 at charter dot net Of course adjust the email addys for use.
For those that plan ahead here are the tentative show dates
2013 April 20th &21st
2014 April 26th & 27th
2015 April 19th & 20th
One final reminder There will be Limited electricity 110v 300w There are NO 220VOLT outlets AVAILABLE
If you need electricity or any other special needs please contact Mike Danko ONLY!
The general safety rules and fuel limits have not changed.