My work for Dubai

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Brian Rupnow

Design Engineer
Project of the Month Winner
May 23, 2008
Reaction score
Barrie, Ontario, Canada
All of you folks who know me on this forum, know how much my design business has suffered over the past year. I don't want to sound too optimistic (touch wood), but things seem to be looking up in this new year for industry. I am seeing a lot more job adds on and 3 or 4 other employment sites that I watch for leads for engineering work. I have been working on a bunch of heavy foundry equipment this last 3 weeks. Not designing from scratch, but measuring existing machinery at a Canadian plant, where all the heavy machinery was originally built in China. I have been measuring all the existing equipment, creating new (and somewhat improved) machinery drawings based on it. The machinery is going to be built locally---Its a BIG job---and the finished machinery is going to be shipped to Dubai when finished. I would like it better if it was for another plant here in Canada, but Hey--work is work, and after last year, I'm not in a position to pick and choose. I just think its neat that my work is going to Dubai----If I was 25 years younger, I'd go with it!!!!---Brian
Nice to hear that things are looking up somewhere. Glad you found some more work!

I have a friend that just went to Dubai to do some electrical engineering work. Says there is a large community of foreigners there working so it is a very international community.
Brian Rupnow said:
All of you folks who know me on this forum, know how much my design business has suffered over the past year. I don't want to sound too optimistic (touch wood), but things seem to be looking up in this new year for industry. I am seeing a lot more job adds on and 3 or 4 other employment sites that I watch for leads for engineering work. I have been working on a bunch of heavy foundry equipment this last 3 weeks. Not designing from scratch, but measuring existing machinery at a Canadian plant, where all the heavy machinery was originally built in China. I have been measuring all the existing equipment, creating new (and somewhat improved) machinery drawings based on it. The machinery is going to be built locally---Its a BIG job---and the finished machinery is going to be shipped to Dubai when finished. I would like it better if it was for another plant here in Canada, but Hey--work is work, and after last year, I'm not in a position to pick and choose. I just think its neat that my work is going to Dubai----If I was 25 years younger, I'd go with it!!!!---Brian

In my younger days as a welder I worked on bolted oilfield tanks for the Omar Phase II project in Syria. I specialized in ancillary hardware, mainly ladders, staircases, landings and manway access. I made it a point to sign my name with a MIG welder on the top inside of every ladder rail I built. Somewhere out there in the desert are several 20 year old rusty ladders with my name on them. Pretty neat to think about it.
Good to hear your busy Brian 8)

Take Care

Onya Brian, hope it goes well for you. Don't be a stranger tho'.
Nice to hear things are looking up Brian.

Brian good to hear you are getting paying work without resorting to flippin' burgers or the like . Good to hear it is being made in canada hey exports can be a good thing. The sad stuff is the factories that close and the machines exported.
I have learned over the years, that USA is the dog, and Canada is the tail that gets wagged!!! You good old boys south of us are our major trading partner, and the way things go in USA plays a major role in whats happening here. If I am starting to see some improvement in things in Canada, then they must be starting to percolate south of the border as well. Perhaps not the southern states, but in the industrial northern ones. I sure hope so.---Brian
I do scale service and inspection work. Work has been steady for us in spite of the recession. The one major customer we lost had little to do with the economy. Rather a large global company bough a competitor then moved the equipment and a handful of the employees to other locations. I felt bad for the the displaced employees. Not a good time to be forced to job hunt but I think there was decent support and prep time. The last few inspection felt weird, like the black smith showing the old dying horse for another trip to town.
One of our customers is a large chemical plant the name is well known globally. Things are strange some areas of the plant are all out production and are eager to prep to prevent down time some areas are buying new equipment and or upgrading.There is talk of hiring new people. and on the other hand the warehouse is closing. The warehouse operation is being turned over to an off site out of state contractor. and there is talk of closing down one of the buildings that has been an is busy.
I feel the economy is starting up again but driven like some wet behind the ears kid driving a manual transmission vehicle for the first time.
C'mon, Brian, where's your priorities? You'd rather be working and bringing in some cash than out in your shop making chips? Ah, well, I guess retirement will get here soon enough for you. Congrats on the improved conditions. I hope you can find plenty of work as long as you want it.

By the way, we miss ya, Buddy!

Chuck---Thanks for the vote of confidence. Right now I am so burned out on playing machinist, that its going to be a while. Machining is something I want to do when I want to----not because I am so bored from doing nothing that I turn to it to break the monotony of doing nothing at all. It is my sincerest wish that the economy continues to get better, and that I can continue to work up into my 70,s. I just love my "real job", and since I'm the boss, I have no fear of corporate downsizing. ;D ;D
Brian, I peruse one heck of a lot CAD drawings in my line of work, much of it is master class. Just wanted to tell you that IMO, your work is first rate.


Good news, I'm happy for you. ;D ;D ;D

tel said:
Onya Brian, hope it goes well for you. Don't be a stranger tho'.

That's 2 from down under where the Game is 2UP.

Best Regards