Progress has come to a stop. The new brass outer body is finished. In the process of making the new barrel, I convinced myself the safest way to ensure concentricity was to insert it firmly into the brass outer body and drill it in place. This worked fine for the 0.156" diameter thru hole. I then rejigged the part and went to spot thru the #2-56 threaded hole for the idle stop screw so I would be able to get the slot in the correct place. I opened the drawer with my 1/16" end mill in it, and guess what!!! The Shop Pixies have taken it away. I don't want to tear down my set up, so everything will set until tomorrow when I can get over to the tooling shop and buy a couple of new end mills. I can't spot thru with a drill, because it is not on the center of the 3/8" diameter steel, so a drill would slide sideways and tear up the threads in the brass part.