I've used the Stamp quite a lot and learned a lot quickly. Advantages are that PBasic is very easy to get going with as it is very straightforward to use, and as mentioned, Parallax does offer lots of sensors and things along with the software needed to run them. Disadvantages that have made me move away from it was lack of a real time clock for timing, and the way that basic deals with floating point numbers was just a pain to deal with. I moved first to the Parallax propellor but have now switched over to the Arduino. Still learning that one, but found that if you can program something already, moving over to another isn't that big a problem. The Arduino driven rotary table seen on this site is on my list to do.
One other advantage (for me, initially) was that the Parallax microcontrollers are all made in the US, not so with the other brands, hence the price difference.