Seeing all of you guys in reality shots is just amazing! I couldn't resist posting a few comments.
Trout, your beard does you justice. It conceals any resemblance to your younger avatar picture. But the "What, me worry" attitude you can't hide! And yea, you don't look to be at retirement age, and that's a good thing!
Charlie, I always thought the picture in your avatar was a 'model' airplane. What a shock! Your second posted pic tells it all. Most guys would have their right hand on the bikes handle bar! If all goes well, I'll post my flying adventures in the fall. Fall meaning time of year, not my flight status! BTW, I can't seem to identify your bike. I might need to focus on it little more.
Dean, No surprise at all. You look exactly like I pictured you. I might have seen your picture somewhere before. And, you look like an experienced professional photographer!
Zee, your pic floored me. I'm totally shocked! You look like a guy that can handle himself well. I wouldn't be afraid to walk into the baddest biker bar in town, with you covering my back. All you would need is a leather jacket.
Tony, that's one bad ass car and motor. I see you like excitement, and push for the very edge. I think that the plane (yours?) could use a little Bondo. I hope my buddy's plane doesn't end up like that with me at the controls. Its planned to be a pontoon plane, and trees shouldn't get in the way if I keep it high enough to make it to the next lake. There are lakes every few miles, way up there in Eastern Ontario.
Good for you Chuck! Eating is also at the top of my list. Honestly though, You look like you could eat a little more, and it would be O.K.