But the oak was FREE!!!---And I'm just guessing at the cone angle.
Bert---The reason that I haven't persued this issue is that the lathes lowest speed is 115 rpm, and thats simply too fast to thread with. And I believe that on this lathe, to reverse it, you have to shut off the motor, reverse it, and then restart the motor.Hi Brian
I am having a hard time believing that single point threading and a Crunch could possible intimidate you. The tenacity with which you pursue your various projects is such that the threading issue complete with Crunch should provide a miniscule challenge.
I look forward to your thread on Beating the crunch. The lathe you have seems to have a reasonably good reputation as does the Bee so my guess is once you attack it, you will win, and work a rounds will not be necessary.
Regards Bert
Starnovice--Thats been my intent all along. I want to use the Atkinson as my power source, but I don't want to have to stop and start the engine. If this clutch is succesfull, I can leave the engine running while I do any tweaking I want to with the sawmill, then engage the clutch and have the engine saw under power.Very interesting Brian. When it is done maybe you can connect it to the sawmill to demonstrate it.