I've also been cursed or so lucky to be curious about almost everything in the universe. Over the last few years I've put 5 outbuildings into pretty good shape along with main house improvements. Got to love all that free time in retirement eh? Learned how to jack a 25 X 35 foot structure to replace failed foundation piers and sills. Great fun, part of the time. Finally, some time and usable space is appearing and it is very satisfying to get many fairly small tasks done. I've repaired and made presentable several antique pieces of family furniture and my Danish style dining table which showed the effect of time and three kids, played quite a bit with resin and FDM printing, and have had a chance to dabble with guitar and synthesizer stuff too. Made a modestly sized stained glass panel, never did it before but my wife has the materials around so gave it a go. Glad I did, sort of fun, new knowledge, not my next hobby though. Fixed a few of my own clocks now that I'm retired from the clock restoration business.
Naturally it's 90F+ and very humid here so the last few days have been doing landscaping and yard work that couldn't wait for cooler days, most of the heavy work being done by the tractor thank goodness. Three pick up loads of crap to the dump so far this week, another one to go after I finish catching up on the latest posts here. It is liberating to stop hanging on to stuff that will never get used or is so out of date or interest that it just eats space. I've been focusing on using stuff on hand and putting existing tools and tooling in good order rather than replacing stuff. I'm fortunate enough to rarely NEED high dollar additions to the shop and these days projects that can be moved around easily are more attractive than the projects that need engine hoists and trolley cranes I leaned towards 30 years ago. Saves needing bigger machines and the material costs are usually lower to boot.
Next up, who knows. Astrophotography has certainly become more accessible since the early 90's when I last dabbled in it and clearer winter skies are coming. There are quite a few casting sets around here. Probably time to see if the random age and impact damage to my fingers can be overcome and playing guitar well enough to enjoy once again is in the cards or if it's time to sell off that part of my life and move on to something else

Finished my first wooden model boat. A very modest project in size and material cost, just a dory, but completed to an OK for first one result. Did you know making oars from flat sticks is not as easy as it first appears? It was fun, think I'll try a bit more involved model boat next. Used a low cost diode laser to cut out some HO scale building parts and put them together, not rocket science but pleasing to do and quite economical compared to the cost of commercial laser cut building kits. Maybe a model rail layout will get done sometime before my best by date rolls around.
Never stop learning and doing. Too many people sit on the couch or stare at facebook for their last 20+ years. That's a huge hunk of lifetime wasted. One of my oldest friends makes excuses instead of progress, then gets depressed at not having much of a life. We all have to live within our means, and work within what our bodies will allow, but heck, at least learn to cook something interesting. The money is going out on food, might as well spend it on raw ingredients and eat well rather than nuking some super processed salt / sugar slop out of a box with a pretty picture on the front. Eating out is just crazy expensive these days, if it's not a lot better than you can make at home, why spend 3X the money and have no left overs?
Oh well, best to all, keep laughing!