As I was wandering around an unimpressive estate sale on my way home I noticed an odd little wooden box in the garage. Had some contacts and wire terminals on it. The box was pretty nicely made-- finger joints and such. No markings but interesting. The guy in there pricing stuff said "do you know what that is? I said "nope, looks like some sort of old morse code or electrical thing'. He didn't know either, but it looked intriguing enough so I picked it up and a little voice way in the back of my head said "you've seen this before on the web, snag it". As nobody else there had a clue what it was, they threw it in free with the other junk I'd picked up.
Halfway home my trivia-addled brain (I even tried out for Jeopardy once :) popped up with 'Buzz Coil'. Sure enough, first hit on Google. Ford Model T buzz coil. Sweet! ;D
Halfway home my trivia-addled brain (I even tried out for Jeopardy once :) popped up with 'Buzz Coil'. Sure enough, first hit on Google. Ford Model T buzz coil. Sweet! ;D