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Thought I'd take an existing plain model and change it up a bit for the grand-kids to play with. A simple Sterling.
Started and ended up with
And of course, just needed a little tweaking - Pop goes the piston tube - Proving once again, Fat Fingers defeat simplicity every time . . .
Extra piston/cylinder pieces showed up in the mail
I'm just a tad slow - Have made three center sections afore it dawned on me - Ah use a scrap piece to get the O-Ring width depth set, it'll go quicker . . .
So once that was found, no more breaking the cylinder pushing it over the O-Rings
Only odd thing I did was with the uprights. Just didn't look right so gave them each about a one degree OD taper bottom to top. Now looking at them doesn't have the look of being fatter at the top then the bottom . .
Even runs . . .