Isbell-Porter or Orr & Sembower ?

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The nameplate on the Isbell-Porter says 5 hp, which sounds about right.
That would be continuous output, not some limited-time maximum like an auto engine.
I would guess the weight to be 750 lbs.

As I was telling JasonB the other day, I was offered many work projects during COVID, and after, and I was not in a position to turn down work for that client, so I signed a lot of contracts for a LOT of work project.
So all I do these days is blog on this forum, and dream and scheme about the day I get caught up with work projects, and can get back to casting model engines.
Last week, I mapped out a path to complete most of my work projects, but I am still probably a year away from having any free time for pattern making/casting work.
I am a one-person operation, and so there is nobody to pick up any slack.
In the past (one year was 2008), I had two separate years with no projects and zero income, so you can bet I don't let good projects and good opportunities pass when I am offered them.

I envy the retired folks.
Many people who I have worked with in the past are retiring these days.
I don't have any plans for retirement, but I would like to cut back to part time one of these days, such as cutting back to perhaps 80 hours a week (LOL).
Right now, I am riding the wave for all that it is worth, and unfortunately the hobby stuff is on the back burner.
If I don't make enough money in the good years, then my wife and I starve in the lean years.
And nobody hires anyone my age for anything these days, so it is a "sink or swim" situation with me running my own business.

I have big plans for the future though as far as engines I am planning on casting.

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