ive been trying to make a reuseable pattern for a 5" flywheel with curled spokes for 8 months now and i cant do it if i manage to make the two halfs to match then seperate them when i try packing them in the sand the spokes either snap or buckle under the preassure the last one i made in pieces out of maple wood thinking it would be strong enough but it also buckled im loseing heart with this and there must be a certain way and matereal you all use for such delecate patterns i cant even find any videos on the interweb showing how to get away with this is there a thread on here for this or can anyone give me a few hints as to how the hell its done correctly
i hope you all can help because the advice you all gave me about the bentonite clay in kitty litter was absolutely spot on and its a shame i cant use it on the most needed thing at the moment wich is a flywheel HEEELLLPP !!!
i hope you all can help because the advice you all gave me about the bentonite clay in kitty litter was absolutely spot on and its a shame i cant use it on the most needed thing at the moment wich is a flywheel HEEELLLPP !!!