I am a 79 year old self taught hobby machinist. I bought my first lathe when I was 16 along with some tools and a complete set of ICS stationary Engineers training books. Those books were my teacher and instructor! and are still great reference books. Now I have a fairly complete shop set up in my basement, with mostly Craftsman and Atlas tools. I make parts for my old tractors and trucks along with models that I find interesting. I recently bought a set of hit and miss engine castings online, but they didn't come with any drawings. So, I'm wondering if anyone can identify these parts. I hope the pics come through OK. I live in North Western Illinois near Stockton, I love collecting old lawn equip[ment and tractors. I like small multicylinder Water cooled engines and have a couple Universal engines, a pair of Waukesha ICK's and a couple Hercules ZXB's, along with a IXB Herc, and a Kohler L600. Also have a bunch of Kohler single and twin cylinder engines and 5 or 6 Wisconsin twins. I am work9ing on a Rudy style Case traction engine and have a couple PM Research engines and machine tool models.. Keeps me busy in the Cold Winter months! when I don't feel like walking over to the garage! I'm hoping someone here might recognize the Hit or miss castings and be able to steer me to a set of drawings so I can get started on it! Thanks in advance! Kirk

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