Howell v-2 four stroke gas engine.

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Valve Timing

Best to use Jerry Howell's timing charts to set inlet/exhaust valve timing. Made flywheel disc size discs for mounting on to f/wheel to set timing. Timing discs takes time to be be understood and accepted. The rotational direction seems wrong CW v/s actual CCW. However with exhaust timing disc stuck on and a trial cam setting confirmed Drawing was correct. For the very first time I get to preset cam timing and sleep in peace.



A conventional fuel tank arangement may not suit the Howell V-2 with its fuel overflow return and hence a mini fuel pump required. DIY a mini centrifugal pump and subseqquent found pump delivery too big. My mini jam bottle got pump clean withing 30 seconds. Went on to build a 500 rpm gear type pump. Spent another week to build and assemble a Fuel Transfer cum Power Pack. A Bosch Cordless Drill Battery rated at 10.3 V.DC should do. Pump test with lube oil was good with very low flow.But may need to pinch delivery hose a wee bit to suit. Next week looks very hopeful for the very first pop.



Electronic Ignition Circuit Board Soldering.

Not been doing nothing. One circuit board did fire the spark plug but the second didn't. Born loser Gus ordered another 3 kits from Howell. One had components soldered on and the other 2 came loose for DIY Soldering. Long before arrival of above,I went into YouTube to pick soldering know-how of electronic parts on circuit board. To my horror, I just realised I have been doing it wrong for 55 years on DIY radios and hifi amplifiers.I have been doing cold soldering. On circuit boards ,350 C min. is a must and solder cycle not to exceed 3 secs to avoid damage to circuit board copper lamination.

Must as well set up prep to do a good job.Soldering Station Temperature set at 400C. Circuit board held with vise grip and vise. Job done and inspected. No cold joints. Wetted solder joints.




Almost done except for the final connections to terminal strip of CDI Circuit Boards. Looks like tomorrow will be a good day. Ignition Cable and Earth are cable tied together to avoid missing out earthing engine casing and frying circuit board.Hall Efffect Devices came loose and two sets of cable to be done. Doing a tidy job with tiny cables will be tough.

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I am at about the same point on my build. I am having a problem with the valve timing. I set it up per the drawing and it seems right when I turn it over by hand but when I turn it over with my rechargeable drill I end up with pressure at the intake and suction at the exhaust. I have been over it many times and I cannot find the problem. I also have a problem with low compression. The problem is head to cylinder fit. Rings and valves are sealing well but after several tries at polishing the surfaces I am still getting leakage.

As usual just building the parts and putting them together is only the beginning. Getting things to actually run is another project. I do not know how some folks seem to build something and it runs on the first try. Never happens for me. In the end it is always some simple thing and once I fix that it takes off and runs.

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I am at about the same point on my build. I am having a problem with the valve timing. I set it up per the drawing and it seems right when I turn it over by hand but when I turn it over with my rechargeable drill I end up with pressure at the intake and suction at the exhaust. I have been over it many times and I cannot find the problem. I also have a problem with low compression. The problem is head to cylinder fit. Rings and valves are sealing well but after several tries at polishing the surfaces I am still getting leakage.

As usual just building the parts and putting them together is only the beginning. Getting things to actually run is another project. I do not know how some folks seem to build something and it runs on the first try. Never happens for me. In the end it is always some simple thing and once I fix that it takes off and runs.


No worry. Use the Timing Chart and stick on to flywheel. Had same problem with the intake and exhaust timing too. Timing chart helps .
Hall Effect Device.

Been figuring out for weeks how to do a good and tidy job soldering harness to device. Tooth Pick Size Job. Not happy with earliers attempt.

Suggestions and expert advice welcomed. (No work today. Had to take an elderly sister for MRI. No worry Nellie and Gus remain healthy at 70 and 73.)

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I have done many of those joints so here are a couple of tips.

DON'T use heat shrink over the joints. Go down to the local fishing tackle shop and get some of the tiny silicone tube they use and slip it over the joints.

The other thing I do is to machine up a holder out of some plastic or nylon (preferred) that will take the wires, silicone tubing and the hall effect itself. Just machine a slot deep enough to fit it all in with about 5mm of the wire as well. Place the lot in the slot and fill with 5 minute epoxy. Make sure you have the hall effect the right way around. This is called 'potting', and once done, it will enable you to handle it fairly roughly without fear of breaking any wires. In fact you can machine up a holder out of nylon or plastic almost any shape you want with the slot in it to mount it onto your engine. If the sensor works after you have potted it, I have found that they don't fail. Most of the problems begin when the wire and joints are flexed too much when playing about setting things up.

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Duplex Ignition Power Pack

After too many distractions and procrastination. All wire connections done. Went thru external connections from devices.
Will test all two ignition circuit boards to make sure they fire both spark plugs.
DIY Duplex Ignition Power Pack comes with a cover to keep dust free for storage. Plan to make a flat two.


DIY Electronic Ignition from Jerry Howell.

I had taken precaution when soldering components to circuit board to avoid overheating. Did not realise Hall Effect Device is also sensitive to soldering heat. Ruined 2 pcs Hall Devices. One circuit did fire the spark plug but one did not and so had to redo cable harness.

All 2 DIY CDI did fire.

Tomorrow is D Day. I am not hopeful of getting the very first pop. Methanol is on hand to top up. Hope to report good results by this Friday 5th August.

Check where each cylinder fires. On mine when I set the timing for cylinder #1, cylinder #2 will be off by 5° to 10°. I am working on that.

My main problem seems to be compression. I have good compression when I have the head off and put my hand over the cylinder and the valves seem to seat well but I am loosing compression at the head to cylinder. I have tried polishing the surfaces more but still not working properly.

Check where each cylinder fires. On mine when I set the timing for cylinder #1, cylinder #2 will be off by 5° to 10°. I am working on that.

My main problem seems to be compression. I have good compression when I have the head off and put my hand over the cylinder and the valves seem to seat well but I am loosing compression at the head to cylinder. I have tried polishing the surfaces more but still not working properly.


I will be cheating and using paper gasket for cylinder and head. Will do a final check on valve timing and ignition timing tomorrow.
Good luck Gus. I'll listen out for the first pops (or the shouts of joy).

Hi Cogsy,

Will be soon. Found the goof. Exhaust pipes blocked.There'sn too much distraction. Like taking my elderly sister to hospital. Heart problem etc etc. Believe there are other causes of fainting spells. Today I am looking at a 16mm 20mm Drill Mill and getting prices .They take orders for single units. 20mm is about the max limit the balcony will take.
Very First Pop/Sputter
Had to lower the fuel cup by a wee bit to have fuel level slightly below fuel jets to eliminate flooding carb.
Distinctively heard a pop or sputter. I would claim to be a false start. Anti-climax, "Cordless battery flat" . Will make another attempt after recharging.Ignition timing------------advance or retard planned.

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Real Poppinp and Firing.

OK . The cylinder on the right got started and trying to run but the partner on the left won't start and run.
Will another week before the Vroom Vroom can be heard.

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