First of all read my getting started in model engineering thread. and selecting a first engine to build thread in the About HMEM sub fora.
I think these two threads will answer many questions.
Combination machines while they have there appeal and are a good choice for some are somewhat limited, the capabilities are less than a comparable set of machines and time is needed to change for lathe to mill mode and back.
I will say that my feeling is the most popular choice for starting out would be something along the lines of a g8688 7 x 12 lathe
And a seig x-2 mini mill. G8689
You will also need to spend several hundred on tooling to get you going.
Micromark has similar machines that have some nice upgrades but IIRC will cost a couple hundred a machine more. MM is in North Jersey IIRC about 45 minutes from the Thomas Edison National Historic site.
And I think most buy bigger machines down the road.
You may also want to read my thread on selecting a lathe in the tool sub fora.