Hi from Essex UK

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user 8891

Aug 24, 2011
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Hi all, just a quick post to introduce myself.
My name is Steve, I am an Industrial Chemist from the UK who likes anything to do with steam and although my main interest is building gauge one steam locomotives, I have also built a couple of oscillating steam engines. I have a reasonably equipped workshop with a Myford ML7 and a Tom Senior Miller and I am a "self taught" hobbyist.
When I came across this site, I was immediately impressed by the enthusiasm, friendliness and the breadth and depth of knowledge displayed by the members, I hope to build an IC engine as a change and will need some advice as this will be way out of my comfort zone. I've attached a picture of my (unpainted) London, Tilbury and Southend Railway tank locomotive.
What a great community this is.
Best regards

tilbury tank 2.jpg
Welcome Steve. It is great people like you that make this a great community. Thanks for the great introduction and I look forward to your build.
P. S. We just love lots of pictures as you have probably noticed:)
Welcome! There are some extemely talented individuals here! Great work on the T & R!
Hello Steve, and welcome to the forum. Beautiful workmanship on the locomotive, a perfectionist!
You scale loco guys impress me. There is a lot of detail in those things :eek:

Nice work, and welcome aboard!
Hi Steve , I am also from the UK and interested in G1 , currently developing a 3 cylinder Merchant Navy but lots of other projects on the go.
You might find something of interest here http://www.unionsteammodels.co.uk
Many thanks for the welcome and the kind words everyone, I hope I can contribute now and again as well as pick peoples brains.
I have a lot of pictures of the Gauge one locos I have built so far and will try and post some although, despite the kind compliments, they are less detailed than I would like. I am not a railway modeller as such and I see fine detailing is an art form that requires study and practice rather than just following dimensions on a drawing like I do. Gauge one is where railway modelling meets model engineering they say, I'm happy if they work!
I'm ashamed to say that despite spending most of my working life in the paint industry and working on most kinds of paint, painting my models is something that I find hard to get around to...
having said that, here's one I did paint!
While I'm here, this is both locos during the build, I've started on another, I'll try and post some photos as I go along -progress is slow, please be patient!
4F and Tilbury part built.jpg
Best regards