Hi everyone! I've been lurking here for some time and I thought I posted this introduction quite a while ago but it was on a different site. 
I'm new to machining and sort of new to engine building! Actually my first encounter was over 40 years ago in high school when a friend brought a steam engine to our wood shop class (I guess it was called a wobbler). He just wanted to build a wooden base for his engine but I decided I wanted to build the entire engine out of wood! The wood shop teacher said "If you build it and it runs you get an A." I ran it on compressed air and it took more pressure than it's metal counterpart but I got and A in that class.
But i haven't done anything like it since.
More recently I took my high school age kids to the Craftsmanship museum in Carlsbad, CA and was actually inspired by all the different models in general and specifically the miniature engines they had running on display! I was particularly intrigued by the "Fire Eater engine" demonstration. I had never seen anything like it. As luck would have it I (semi) recently purchased a Harbor Freight mill/lathe combo tool for another project, this was my first adventure in machining. In my typical fashion, I plunged headlong into looking up a set of plans and am currently getting close to finishing a Phillip Duclos fire eater. After looking around on this forum I realized I made a few mistakes but nothing that can't be fixed and I'm having a great time doing it!

I'm new to machining and sort of new to engine building! Actually my first encounter was over 40 years ago in high school when a friend brought a steam engine to our wood shop class (I guess it was called a wobbler). He just wanted to build a wooden base for his engine but I decided I wanted to build the entire engine out of wood! The wood shop teacher said "If you build it and it runs you get an A." I ran it on compressed air and it took more pressure than it's metal counterpart but I got and A in that class.
More recently I took my high school age kids to the Craftsmanship museum in Carlsbad, CA and was actually inspired by all the different models in general and specifically the miniature engines they had running on display! I was particularly intrigued by the "Fire Eater engine" demonstration. I had never seen anything like it. As luck would have it I (semi) recently purchased a Harbor Freight mill/lathe combo tool for another project, this was my first adventure in machining. In my typical fashion, I plunged headlong into looking up a set of plans and am currently getting close to finishing a Phillip Duclos fire eater. After looking around on this forum I realized I made a few mistakes but nothing that can't be fixed and I'm having a great time doing it!
