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Well-Known Member
HMEM Supporting Member
May 3, 2011
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hi all,

well, as i have been lurking around here for 15 hours 22 min and the norm seems to be introduce your self. thought i better had.

I'm new (ish) to model engineering but not new to engineering, tool and die maker by trade. not done it for a wee bit, but its all coming back :)

found this site when a came across the whittle v8, so the plans are on there way. not going to do i build thread as there are few on here all ready and ruddy good they are too.

just started a 2" burrell showman's traction engine as well. cant wait to get that going........ in 4 or 5 years :(. the last project i completed before i lost the man cave (it didn't burn down or any thing, i moved house. it's taken 18 months to get the new cave up and running.) was the Wren MW54 turbine. I'll have to start on the plane its going in soon....... and yes i tend to do lots of projects at once, shouldn't really as i would probably get things finished a lot quicker.

great forum :bow:

Welcome Tel, from the REAL Tel!

Welcome to our forum wEc1

Best Regards
Welcome Tel, you have certainly given yourself plenty to be going on with, but you will get plenty of help and encouragement here if you need it.
cheers Stew
Hi Blighty.
welcome to the forum.
thx for the welcome gents.


its not that i give myself loads, it just seems to turn out that way. what normally happens is, i will be happily getting on with a project and then i will have to stop for some reasons.... need to get more material, haven't got the right size drill etc etc. so while im waiting for bits to come in i'll get on with something else, until i need something for that one and so on and so forth.

TEL Blighty ;)
Rof} Yep, you're a Tel alright! It must be a universal trait! Thm:
Hi Tel

Thought i recognised your title, seem to remember following your build thread on the mw54 with lots of pics on another site sometime ago, cant for the life of me remember which site it was now.Recently finished a KJ myself.

Good luck with the whittle V8 and the Burrell



Good to have another Traction Engine man here, keep us posted of progress, I'm just about finished MJ's 2" Fowler.


think that would be cnczone. still haven't done any thing with that turbine. its sat on top of my freezer at the mo waiting for me to get the eurofighter finished. how did the KJ turn out?


i wouldn't call my self a "traction man" just yet. I've only drilled a few holes in the boiler plates. in fact, i'm not to sure if they are called boiler plates ???

small world. my burrell is the MJ's one. i was round his place today and again tomorrow and probably next week as well ::) went down there to get some bits of copper so i can have a little practise silver soldering before i attack the boiler.

how close to finishing are you? would like to see some pic's if you have some.

Crikey, A whittle V8, 2" Burrell and a Eurofighter, Mmmm I see what you mean, you do like to load yourself up dont you !
Kj works fine but only used on a bench ( Was a test really to see if i could make one ), next is a smaller version as a turboshaft for a heli along the lines of the Wren 44. Thats if i can manage to focus enough on it without being tempted by some of these beautifull i/c engines on here.

Best of luck Tel


all that and i would like to put a cnc lathe together, plus there's a few things i would like to do to the mill. belt conversion would be good, 4th axis, then later on 5th and chuck on an ATC.

KJ smaller version.... are you going to scale down the kj or start from scratch? turbo shaft??... as in jetcat or Wren second stage?


i'm about 5mins away from him. don't know about the meetings, but i went to his MJ open day at a club in reading. i'm down there again Monday I'll ask him then.

now i'm off to read your thread :)
Oh Dear ! Even worse than i thought :eek:

Yes, Just like the wren/jetcat, a second stage free turbine etc.A kj wont neccessarily scale down as you woud think so starting form scratch.with the help of some knowlegable people that is !

Thats enough about turbines Tel, good luck with all that you plan

