When I first put the engine together I fit the piston dry till it was a verry close fit, on the jan ridders web site he explaines that the piston fit should be as follows.- while holding the cylinder up and down and plugging the bottom with your finger, the piston should not fall, when you take your finger off the piston should fall quickly and withoput resistance. Also this test is done without oil. Note: my piston is made out of leaded steel 12L14
anyway I followed these intructions and when It was time to get it running i put a little powdered graphite in the cylinder. and that is all I have done as far as lubrication is concerned.
Now the engine has ran many times and It has run for over 2 hours straight (ok just enough time to get the burner refilled a couple times) It does this the entire time between 800 and 1100 rpm, and the tempreture levels off at around 200 degrees farenheit. I continue to run the engine regularly without fail. In fact when I get done writing this post Ime going in the basement for another run.