Can anyone give me an idea of what's going wrong here ? It's bright mild steel, I've tried different feeds and speeds and different tools but this is the finish I'm getting. Sorry if this is in the wrong section.
Many thanks in advance.
This looks like your using the side of an end mill, is that correct? If so 2, 3, 4, 6 flute? Diameter of mill? Deflection can be an issue. How light of a cut are you doing? Too thin of a feed may result in rubbing vs. biting in. Power feed on the axis, or is this hand cranking where erratic axis movement occurs?
A fly cutter may produce much better surface finish.
I have a belt driven mill, and have seen this same surface finish. Sharpness of mill, especially low cost China imports, that are NOT HSS, but sold as such.
For RPMs if you take the diameter of the end mill, multiply by pi (3.14), for circumference, times spindle speed rotations per minute, you should be around 100 feet per minute or 30 meters (convert the mill diameter to meters or feet first) per minute for cutting mild steel.
Don't know if this reply helps you.