Hei, velkommen til HMEM..

Jeg bor i Bergen, ikke så mange modellingeniører i Norge. Det bladet Modell og elektronikk har jeg 2 numre om dampmaskin i modellbåt, det er ikke snakk om å bygge dampmaskin og kjele fra bunnen av. For det meste er utstyret kjøp og montert i taubåten + råd og vink. Ut fra min synpunkt er det ikke mye å samle info derfra..
Jeg vil anbefale disse bladene fra England:
"Model Engineer Magazine" og "Model Engineer's Workshop". Du kan få dem lest i internett mot betaling for ett år eller bestille bladene fra England.
Model Engineer's Workshop" fåes kjøpt hos Narvesen.
Hi, welcome to HMEM ..

I live in Bergen, not many modeling engineers in Norway. The Model and Electronics/Modell og elektronikk magazine, I have 2 numbers about steam engine in model boat, it's not a question of building steam engine and boiler from scratch. For the most part, the equipment is bought and assembled in the tugboat + advice and tick. From my point of view, there is not much to gather info from there ..
I would recommend these magazines from England:
"Model Engineer Magazine" and "Model Engineer's Workshop". You can get them read on the internet for a year's payment or order the magazines from England.
"Model Engineer's Workshop" can be bought from Narvesen (Norwegian magazine dealer).
You wrote: I have recently gotten an interest in steam engines, have plans to build a Stuart 10V.
This Stuart 10V is a good basis for newbeginner to machine from cast parts to a ready steam engine.
I has 3 Stuart 10D, 1 triple expansion steam engine.
The triple steam expansion steam engine is not easy for newbeginner then i say you need some special tools to machine/create the parts. Milling machine is necessary to produce parts to the Stuart triple expansion steam engine.
My advice: Check all cast iron/bronze parts for defects and all measure is larger than on drawning before machining, drilling etc to a part with correct measure as showed in drawning. If the cast iron has hard spot who are impossible to machine --> use cemented carbice tool (hardmetall dreieverktøy) + low revolution to work with cast iron. Treading with treading tap in cast iron --> use turpentine (terpentin) as lubricant. Be patience and use a good time to produce the steam engine made of cast iron, cast bronze and other steel material.