Hello from Maine!

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New Member
Dec 10, 2010
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I'm a 20 y/o aeronautical engineer graduating in the spring. This upcoming semester should be a pretty low key one, and I was the recipient of a an Atlas 618 lathe for Christmas, and now I've got to go do something with it. I fly R/C (although mostly electric), but I'd love to build one of those 2 strokes and fly it at some point. I have access to a decent mill through the school too.

I know gas is supposed to be harder than steam or air, can someone recommend some good starter projects? I'd consider myself a decent machine tool beginer... I know enough to get myself into trouble. :D

Compressed air/steam seems like it would be the simplest, but I'm open to other things. Thanks!

Welcome aboard, you will find this to be a friendly & helpful forum ;)

Welcome to our forum. wEc1

Best Regards
Where in Maine?

There are a few of us up here that like machines and get together once in a while to swap lies, I mean swap stories ;D

In the Boston area I started a club that grew to over 100 members, In Maine I know about 8 guys,and we are spread over 120 miles, from Portland to Rockport. That makes getting together harder, but we do it occasionally.

I'm happy to hear of another Mainer.
Welcome to the forum, Ian, I bet its cold up your way this time of year, hope you have a cosy workshop!
Hi There,

You could also try John-Toms site, lots of free plans for all sorts of engines:


Enjoy the hobby, but be careful it is very addictive and like any addiction can get expensive ;) Just remember the old saying, 'He who never made a mistake never made anything' and don't be afraid to admit it when you do, it's part of the learning process.

Best regards
