Hello From Indiana

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New Member
Aug 30, 2011
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Hello All!

Being fascinated with engines and mechanics my whole life, I recently decided to purchase a mini lathe and mill and see if I could remember any of the machining skills I learned while in high school. After browsing the forum for a while I have decided to start off with Gail In NM's Lobo Twin engine. Hopefully I'll be able to get it to run :) !!
Welcome Ebrathole, and good luck with your first project!
Welcome Ebrathole, I hope you will enjoy this site,----I can't see how anyone wouldn't! Good luck with your build. I'm in central indiana myself, getting ready for the change of colors.
Welcome TO HMEM, Ebrathole. wEc1

I think you will have a lot of fun here.

I would not recommend the Lobo Pup Twin as a first engine. The tolerances of the piston/cylinder fit are quite demanding on a compression ignition engine. I think that it would be better if you honed your skills a bit on a couple of other engines first. If you do want to build the Lobo Twin as a first engine, consider making the glow version first as the machining demands are not so great as the required compression is only about 1/3 that of the compression ignition. It can be changed over to compression ignition later if desired. Besides mine, I only know of two other Lobo Twins that have been built.

What ever you decide to do, there are lots of people here on HMEM who will be willing to help if you need assistance.

Gail in NM

Welcome to our forum. wEc1

Best Regards
Welcome to the board.
like Gail said a compression Ignition engine is probably a bit ambitious for a first engine. A simple air engine like a LMS ocilator or a mcabe runner are probably better choices. More info on getting started in the About HMEM sub fora.
Welcome and good luck.
Welcome to the board from Fort Wayne, IN. I have only done a few small compressed air engines, and they were a challenge just learning how to hold the work on a lathe and mill and getting good clean cuts. I have learned a lot from this board and am now trying a Farm Boy hit n miss engine.
Hi Ebrathole
welcome to the forum, just relax and enjoy. ;D