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New Member
Apr 17, 2012
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Just a quick intro, I loved the site after a couple minutes browsing around as a guest and was eager to be part of this online community. I am a Machinist actively serving in the Marine Corps, currently stationed in Quantico VA as a machinist instructor. I have access to NUMEROUS lathes and mills both manual and CNC (HAAS). The kind of work going around here is actually mostly precision weapons, hence Precision Weapons Section. I love where I'm at, I like what I do, but I also want to expand my projects into something other than weapons; as cool as they may be! Thank you for accepting me!
Welcome to the forum, Olvi1.

Welcome Olvi...sounds like you have a great background in machining and access to a lot as well. Hope you will find a home here and jump right in!!

Welcome to the forum Olvi, sounds like you've got my dream job! ;D

Hey thanks for the welcome. I look forward to future projects and posts.

wEc1 welcome Olvi1 and we salute you for your Services.

Welcome Olvi1. Always lots of interesting projects going on here. wEc1

welcome to the board. sounds like you have a great job. I served my Military time as a weekend warrior .Many years as a USAF red hat/range officer then later worked in fabrication as a machinist welder. when I had my machinist training army marines and air force were at APG together under one roof. That was in "97
This is a great Hobby and great web site . we are here to help.

Welcome to our forum. wEc1

Best Regards
Tin Falcon said:
welcome to the board. sounds like you have a great job. I served my Military time as a weekend warrior .Many years as a USAF red hat/range officer then later worked in fabrication as a machinist welder. when I had my machinist training army marines and air force were at APG together under one roof. That was in "96
This is a great Hobby and great web site . we are here to help.

Tin, just last year APG was made strictly for testing. All the schoolhouses were moved down to Fort Lee VA. Everyone except the AF went down there. I hear you guys started your own school somewhere in TX. If it weren't for those before me, I might not be where I am today so in those regards I am thankful.

As for everyone else, with all your time spent in honing your skills, there is no substitute for experience. Experience that lends a helping hand when passing on knowledge. It is impressive to see the level of respect you all have for each other, strangers connected by a drive to create. I admire that greatly and I only hope to mirror these qualities. I will see you all down range!
Olvi1 said:
I will see you all down range!

And..........If I have any sort of ballistic weapon, capable of being operated by one man, that's the safest place to be. Next time I hit what I have aimed at will be the 1st time............. Maybe that's why I joined the Navy as an Engineer. Usually the guns are on the upper deck and the engines are close to the bilge, which was as close as I was permitted, (except when the gunners broke something).

Best Regards
Welcome Olvi. Sounds like you got a great workplace. Any chance of some pictures?
Paul : the air force moved to Sheppard AFb where the main schools are for Aircraft Maintenance. APG was just a small detachment. I think I heard somewhere that the other branches moved to for Lee. That used to be and I guess still is home of supply /logistics.So was the basic school still at APG when you went through?

Some of us attend model engine shows in south eastern PA. The next Cabin Fever show ill be April 2013 in York PA . I also do http://www.roughandtumble.org/

There are also shows here http://www.tuckahoesteam.org/calendar.html I have had the pleasure of meeting more than one member here face to face. would be great if you could join us one day .
Welcome Olvi1

And thank you for your service

And glad your here! ;D
