I have a story to tell. It starts out very sad, but it has a happy ending. My old die holder, which was a hand me down from my father, gave up the ghost. It was a junky piece, part of a junky set, and I wasn't sad when it finally died. I went over to my tooling supplier, and bought a nice brand new one. I had a 1/2"-13 bolt which I needed a longer thread on, so I took my 1/2"-13 die, and my nice new die holder, and set out to do so. It was very tough going, and I thought maybe I'd grown weak from being so old. So--I did what countless dumb-***** have done over the ages, and put a piece of pipe over each end of the new die holder. No consideration was given to the thought that my 1/2"-13 die was part of the original junky set, and was duller than a hoe. This is the result. I deserved it, for doing a dumb thing.