Grizzly $25 DRO Query

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Aug 8, 2009
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Hey Guys,

I ordered a couple of Grizzly's cheap DRO's and should receive them this week.

There were a few posts a while back with some reference to these but unless I missed it, I don't believe there was much posting about how the installs went. I know at least a few folks have played around with them and was wondering if you had any advice or pictures as to how it went for you. These will be installed on my X2 mill, X-Y.


Troutsqueezer said:
Hey Guys,

I ordered a couple of Grizzly's cheap DRO's and should receive them this week.

There were a few posts a while back with some reference to these but unless I missed it, I don't believe there was much posting about how the installs went. I know at least a few folks have played around with them and was wondering if you had any advice or pictures as to how it went for you. These will be installed on my X2 mill, X-Y.



I am waiting for the longer scales to become available before I mount mine on my x2. 6" just isn't enough X travel for me.
It's not much travel, I agree. Looks like it will handle 90% of the stuff I am milling, however. When the longer scales come out I thought I'd transfer the X direction DRO over to the mini lathe. Meantime, I could see if they do the trick. I'll keep this thread updated as I go along.
I ordered a couple of these as well, probably 4 or more months ago. I haven't installed them yet since I have too many other irons int he fire at the moment. As you say, 6" is probably more than enough travel for most of my needs. I just need to figure out a floating mount system so I can move the x-scale from one end to the other if I need to.

I attached magnets to each end and to the linear transmitter. That way I can move it around when needed.

Linear transmitter th_wtf1

I can't think of anything else to call it.

Installed 2 of them on my X2 and really like them. Just have them on the X and Y axis. I will change them out for longer ones when they become available. At that time I may put one on the Y as well. Love the way they work. They are well worth the price in my opinion. I did make some swarf shields to keep the metal bits out of them.

I also put a third one on my lathe carriage with a magnetic mount. Since I have a 48" bed I didn't think a permanent mount was a good idea for a 6" scale. It does work well when I need it. Don't keep it mounted all the time.
I have one on the tailstock of my 12x36 lathe. It works well there, though the mount is currently bodged up from the old caliper-DRO mount I had there previously. I've been meaning to fix it up a little with a proper ball joint and post some info.
Here are two shots of mine. I take no credit for the idea for the mounting. Found it on line elsewhere and just made the brackets to do the mounting.


Thanks B85V, I just came in from the work shed where I spent a hour or so figuring out the best way to mount these. The idea of laying the X axis DRO flat like you did, occurred to me. Good to see that it can be done. I started on an idea I had about mounting it on the back side of the table, using the two screws that hold the rubber accordion to hold a bracket too. That attaches to the sensor. I started making an aluminum bracket that should fit the bill. I will also have a way to mount a long piece of plexi glass to shield the assembly. I'll post some pics later if it works.

Your Y axis pic looks like the one on the side of the box the DRO came in. I tried to think how that particular bracket could be used to hold the sensor and the technique didn't jump right out at me and then I got sidetracked with the X axis install.
Rather than something thick or stiff I made my swarf shield out of Xray film material. About 7 thou thick and really tough. Just laid a rule on it and scribed it to make the folds. Easy to work with and really cheap (free). I have some other pics of the mounting if you want to see them.

BTW; caught your comment about the Rat Fink and posted a picture over on that topic. You will need to go see it!
Seems like everything takes me longer than I anticipate and installing the X axis DRO was no exception. I decided to mount it on the backside, out of the way of the gib screws and locking lever. It took a few passes and test fits but I finally got the shape of the bracket to a workable state. The bracket will mount using the screws that hold the rubber guard and with that in mind I milled out a strip in the aluminum to ensure the screw would still engage the threads in the table. The two small holes is where the DRO sensor mounts to.


A test fit revealed I needed to cut out some more of the bracket so as not to impede the travel of the sensor unit.


The final fit.


Installing the assembly onto the mill, I noticed the plug for the wire was loose where it goes into the DRO. I jiggled it slightly and what do you know, it came completely off and fell inside the plastic case with the wire still attached. th_wtf1 Well, I knew this was cheap and came from China so I can't say I was shocked.

I carefully took the unit apart and saw some pretty shoddy manufacturing. The socket (looks like a USB type) was cold soldered. Whats more, you can see in the pic they didn't bother to clean the board of solder flux. Over time this will contaminate the solder joints.


I cleaned out some of the flux residue from around the surface mount components. Not having a solder tip small enough for the teeny tiny PCB pads I took a PTA7 tip I had and put it to the grinder to get a fine tip. Then I re-tinned all the PCB pads for the socket, legs and pins, just by touching the iron to them briefly.The metal socket case has a coating that inhibits the wetting action of the solder flux so I took a very small file and filed the legs a little to reveal the metal underneath the coating then soldered the socket securely.


Next I briefly touched the iron to the signal pins just long enough to get the solder to join. Since both the pin and pad were tinned it was just a matter of heating the solder as opposed to heating the pin and pad.

Now it works. I'm still thinking about notifying Grizzly to see if they will send me a new one for backup.


The installed DRO. This week I plan to install a strip of plexi glass over the top of the assembly. A couple dabs of silicon glue should do it.


The Y axis readout should fit nicely right above this one. Dang it! I hate it when I come in the house from the workshop, download the latest pics to the compooter only to see some are out of focus!


This week I'll install the Y axis DRO. That one should be a lot easier and I anticipate it should go fast. :big:

I really like the looks of the mount on the back of the table. Does it restrict the Y axis movement to the rear?
black85vette said:
I really like the looks of the mount on the back of the table. Does it restrict the Y axis movement to the rear?

Little to none. I didn't move the table to the max rear position after the final install but earlier I did move it back as I was holding the assembly by hand and it looked like it was either going to go back all the way or darn close to it.

Update: I emailed Grizzly with the above pic of the PCB and I just received an email from them informing me they are sending a replacement unit right away. Can't argue with that! Now I'll have one to put on my lathe. :)
websterz said:
Hey guys...looks like the longer scales are being made available!

Cool. Thanks for the heads up. I am going to email Grizzly and see if they are going to carry them.
Looks like the price at Eagle is twice the price of Grizzly for the 6". If Grizzly carries the longer one at half the price, it won't be too bad (relatively speaking), maybe around $30? Hard to buy a bag of groceries for that much.

Double sux;

Email from Grizzly says they are not planning on selling the longer versions. Looks like Eagle America is the only option.