Greetings from Ontario

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Active Member
Jan 1, 2012
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I'd like to introduce myself . . . I am an electric motor technician at my day job. I got into "Model Engineering" as a means to repair/rebuild model aircraft engines. In my search for "kindred spirits", I found the local model engineering society, and got swept into the whole Live Steam sub-genre. I have had to take some time off from the hobby due to a household move and responsibilities at work, and am now in the process of unpacking and setting up my machinery. I hope to have some semblance of a shop up and ready by spring! Car-and-a-half garage with a woodstove, and a shared space in the basement.

I was lucky enough to inherit my Grandpa's 9" SB several years ago. SB's final US incarnation was still running, and I was fortunate enough to get a copy of the factory data card (by serial#) from when he had ordered it back in '34. I have since collected a bunch more old iron, and am looking forward to the day when they are all reassembled and functional again. (The shop(s) at our last house consisted of an old school bus, a "tent", and an enclosed porch. Comfortable winter conditions will take some getting used too!)

Once I figure out how to share pictures here, I wouldn't mind digging through my files. I tried to "Insert Image", and simply got "img/img" text . . . what am I doing wrong?

Dave D.
Welcome Dave!

Glad you found us! were a good bunch and we like helping eachother. Thank you very much for a fine introduction.

For posting, it's best if you find a photo hosting site, such as photobucket, to name a few and post your photo's there.

Then you can copy the HTML FILE from the photobucket account and paste the link here. That works best.

Hey Maryak, didn't you do a write up on posting pictures?.....

If I find the link Dave I'll send it to you.

Warm Regards,


Let's see if that worked . . . Thanks, Dave!

When your in the photobucket account, hover over the picture you want to post. 4 different file types will show up as a drop down.

Click once on the very bottom will say "Copied"

Then open the post that you want to put the picture in and right click and paste....

There should be a "img" before and after the file

Nice looking SB....I'm rebuilding one right now 1 year older...


OK, I think that works . . . I'll have to see if I can get some more!

Hey, "Steamer", have you run into any troubles on your rebuild? ('33 or '51?)

Steamer Dave,

I went through the first page of your rebuild thread . . . Brings back memories! You have been a bit more ambitious than I was, I still have the original cross-slide. I can't seem to locate the process pictures of my new cross feed nut . . . Let me just say it IS possible to single-point a 1/2-10 LH Acme. It took me 3-4 tries to make a threading tool from O-1, and then a couple of tries to produce a decent thread in a chunk of bronze salvaged from a worm gear reducer.

At some point, I'll find the pictures. For now, I ought to shut 'er down. Work in the morning . . .


Dave D.

Welcome to our forum. wEc1

Best Regards
Hi Dave,

Welcome to the forum!!!!

What part of Ontario are you from?
I am down in the Woodstock area.

Great looking South bend!

Welcome to the forum Dave, great looking shop you have there!