Hi All,
Thanks for all your compliments. It's one thing to dazzle friends and relatives... but it is an extra boost to get compliments from those that know what goes into these.
The "black box" is a Rena 301ES High Pressure Pump (5.0 psi) as sold for aquariums. I got mine off eBay. I have other compressors here, but the little pump is handy for a quick demonstration at any location with a plug-in. An added plus is it has both pressure and vacuum ports.... with flow control.
Chuck... I saw a running Double Scotch at PRIME a couple of years ago (their last year)... nice work by the exhibitor. He mentioned a flaw in the original plans that needed correction, but I don't remember what it was. Now that I have "taper length" drills, it should be worth another look at the Double Scotch plans.... I was hesitating due to the long gas/air passage.
I have other Elmer's engines I'm looking at, and am developing a customized version of the Scotty with more flowing lines... rather than the angular look of the original. I'm using my CNC Taig mill for the curves that would be real challenge on manual machines. The one in the pics was all done manually.
I have designed a Vertical Beam Engine, concept with Adobe Illustrator, and final layout in TurboCAD, render in Carrara. I am part way through developing the code to cut metal... anxious to get the prototype done.
<embed src="http://www.coinet.com/~pwc/Projects/VerticalBeam/VBAnimation.wmv" autoplay="false" hidden="false" loop="false" type="application/mediaplayer" wmode="transparent" width="512" height="435"></embed>
I will declare copyright on this one's actual dimensions, building issues, etc. since I hope to pay for some tooling with it. However... as with any photo, the ingenious can go with the concept toward their own solution. I'm sure I have not invented anything new. Everything in there has been seen on various other engines.
TatooMike68... the code snippet for displaying video with mediaplayer has the variable for "heigth" misspelled... it should be "height".
Paul, Central OR