I've been tinkering with this engine and I've made a bit of a discovery I thought I'd share.
I was making a few adjustments trying to get better performance and I managed to break the engine completely - it would not run, not even close :wall:. So I altered and remade the valve actuator rod and both end fittings, milled the holes in the flywheel, and experimented with changing the 'timing' a bit. Absolutely nothing worked and I was getting distraught.
I remade the piston and valve and still it wouldn't run, so I lapped the bore as I wasn't 100% happy that it was straight enough, and made yet another piston/valve set. It was now close to running but still wouldn't go.
After another frustrating week of fruitless tinkering, I decided to have 1 final attempt at it, and made a final piston/valve set. This is where it gets interesting.
Jan's instructions call for a stainless cylinder but I had used aluminium, and the plans call for a near frictionless fit of less than 0.03mm for the pistons in the bore. This final set I made are tight in the bore, really tight, like the engine is almost seized up, and it won't spin a full revolution, let alone the 5-8 seconds that Jan's troubleshooting guide suggests it should. But, after 30-45 seconds of flame, it spins a lot more freely, and begins 'kicking back'. Then 15-30 seconds later it will begin to run, even better than when it was first built.
I am assuming that there is a heap more thermal expansion of the Ali cylinder occurring than I thought there'd be, and I was losing seal on my pistons as it heated up. If anyone builds this engine with an Ali cylinder, I recommend trying a tighter fit on the pistons than the plans suggest.