Thamks John and I hope that the summer? is being enjoyed.
So Almost 6 years ago, I bought an Align to fit my Warco Mill/Dill from Wardo in the UK.
Apart from the ¨nderguard for the gears, all had been OK. Mo9oney well spent
So on Feiday the 13th-- I'm a mason but not a Templar, all that is gounfg wromg is the AppleMac update( touchwood) Makes a secret sign with 2 fingers
So my old SiegSC4 is ready to go and an all singing- all dancing one should be on a delivery lorry.
Ki y for a mkTHREEE Quorn is eagerly awaing the arrival.
So I'm into grinding research yet again. Been amongst the Querns in the Hebries which are 4 v FOUR bThousand years old and stone circles too. So I'm down for North Erst Scotland agai and much the same on Orkney.
Comes the Autunal Equinox, I'm in the Cairngorms again amongst U shaped valleys, drumlins, terminal morains and reindeer. They make good Bambi Burgers.
In the middle of all this, I'm in Welsh Wales- look you boyoh
So Best Wushes- to all