well i did couple tinny ones but no fun in that (we made them too fast) 
so friend and i talk on loud and main q that rool in our heads was ,,is it possible painlessly to build more complex engine with let say 2 cylinder one up to 4 6 or so ?
like we find some air engines 1 -2 cylinder v rod 2 cyl and wonder will these be possible to join in to bigger one without problems ?
like 2 v engines to make 4 v engine or 6 v engine just make one main shaft and just make all same ..
example what we thinking is to make one, like to fire will go left from first then right from second then left-right in 2+2 configuration ,so only kinda mod we will do is to twist them to look at each other
to get un-even fire ,to prevent big oscillations of engine if we fire right-right . left-left to be inline
or to stop invent hot water and find one of these that work in various configurations .. like 2 4 6 cylinders
our main wish is to build one of v4 or 4 cylinders engines but grabcad is full only of external models rendering of them
and we cant find plans for any of v4's
v8 we can buy but v8 is just double trouble for now
so we think to go slow with v2 to v4 or just get one that work in v4
any advices for us ??
which way to go ? or which models/ plans to use that work ?
so friend and i talk on loud and main q that rool in our heads was ,,is it possible painlessly to build more complex engine with let say 2 cylinder one up to 4 6 or so ?
like we find some air engines 1 -2 cylinder v rod 2 cyl and wonder will these be possible to join in to bigger one without problems ?
like 2 v engines to make 4 v engine or 6 v engine just make one main shaft and just make all same ..
example what we thinking is to make one, like to fire will go left from first then right from second then left-right in 2+2 configuration ,so only kinda mod we will do is to twist them to look at each other
to get un-even fire ,to prevent big oscillations of engine if we fire right-right . left-left to be inline
or to stop invent hot water and find one of these that work in various configurations .. like 2 4 6 cylinders
our main wish is to build one of v4 or 4 cylinders engines but grabcad is full only of external models rendering of them
and we cant find plans for any of v4's
v8 we can buy but v8 is just double trouble for now
so we think to go slow with v2 to v4 or just get one that work in v4
any advices for us ??
which way to go ? or which models/ plans to use that work ?