My CR500 in an incredible bike to ride.
Very light (230 lbs), very nimble in handling and turns with no fork flex, and a very forgiving progressive mono shock in the rear.
The one thing I don't like much about it is the on/off JATO rocket feel of the motor.
It produces 60 hp, but it comes on like a light switch, and its really either all or nothing.
Throttle is just 1/4 turn total.
One has to resort to blipping the throttle, to avoid being ejected off the back of the bike.
So I wonder what sort of porting and pipe arrangement this bike has.
I rode a Yamaha 2-stroke 400 enduro, and it had a heavy flywheel, and a flat wide torque band that made it a joy to ride.
I added a heavier flywheel to my CR500, but it made no difference at all in the amount of torque produced.
The torque line for a CR500 must be about like the horsepower line, which must be almost vertical.
I tried an XR650, but it was absurdly overweight at about 275 lbs, and felt like riding a hippopotamus.
There is no joy to riding a dirt bike that weighs over 230 lbs.