Hullo members, any information where I can purchase a .346" 4 flute carbide endmill? have searched the net no result. rrocky
Hi, building Demon V8 water pump it needs 2 holes for gears to run in, have seen 8.8mm endmill but cannot find it again, thanks for reply. rrockyYou would have to find someone with a tool grinder to get that diameter.
Why do you want the specific diameter?
Yes it looks like that is what i will have to do many thanks rrockyCan you silver solder a small lathe tool bit to short piece of rod and grind it?
Do you have a boring head?
Why does it have to be carbide?
Thanks everyone for the help have got it sorted.
Or a 4 jaw chuck or face plate and a lathe.You can make any size hole with a turn table.
I think the point made by Norman is that there is a tendency for people to assume “high tech” solutions to simple problems.