Finished building my first engine Saturday evening, the shop was getting hot and I was tired, so I decided to wait till this morning to see if it would run. I kept thinking the brass tube to hook up the air line just wasn't that strong. So Sunday morning I milled up a support block and installed it. Got the airlines all hooked up the air pressure turned down to about 10lbs. flipped the flywheel and the little Standby just putted along runs great at all speeds. Now for my two dilemas.
1- I have no idea how to post pictures. I've taken pictures and Kim has them in a folder. I can e-mail them from the house e-mail to anyone that could post them for me, if that possible.
2- How to explain to Kim the 3900lb lathe that made the parts for an engine that weighs ounces. She was impressed with the engine, but looks at the lathe and mill and just shakes her head and walks back to the house. Roger
1- I have no idea how to post pictures. I've taken pictures and Kim has them in a folder. I can e-mail them from the house e-mail to anyone that could post them for me, if that possible.
2- How to explain to Kim the 3900lb lathe that made the parts for an engine that weighs ounces. She was impressed with the engine, but looks at the lathe and mill and just shakes her head and walks back to the house. Roger