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Unfortunately I am blocked from that site for reasons that nobody can explain.
I have sent numerous inquires using various methods and email addresses, and for whatever reason, they don't respond.

The site is mostly blank for me other than text.

Wish I could see it, but perma-blocked apparently, and no way to get a response from anyone on that site.
As I mentioned before, its a closed club, and items posted there are not necessarily visible to outsiders.

That's highly unfortunate.

Roger helpfully shared some fantastic R&D here

Post in thread 'Request - Injector designs' https://www.homemodelenginemachinist.com/threads/request-injector-designs.36273/post-414138
Were you ever a member of MEM, if so what is your user name? We have had problems with a number of Email hosts blocking messages.

Have you tried registering with a different email address and user name?

Minh was unable to get onto MEM for a while, then we got him on again. He was then unable to get on for quite some time and suddenly without us doing anything he had access again.

Following an attack there has been a block ban on certain Chinese IP addresses which caught a couple of Australian members but that was corrected.

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