With a bit of luck the over crank engine build will be published in ME in a few weeks time.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will make the front cover
I've not bin idle since I finished this engine I've had a major sort out of the shed and garage, plus I've done a few small projects for my grand kids:- over hauled an old TONKA Truck and made a wheel barrow, plus done a bit of work getting a new vice up to scratch. In the comming weeks we're having the house rewired, plus we'll be moving my old dad into a nursing home so we have to sort his flat out, so their won't be much activity in the shop.
I have done a fair bit of research into a new stationary engine for later in the new year when I've got some work done on my loco:- at the moment its a toss up between a Grasshopper haulage engine and a very interesting Tripple expansion mill engine, we will see which one takes shape.