X is set to zero...... well spotted sir.
yep g76 is a threading code. the reson i put that up was, i have been having a bit of trouble with using g32 for threading. g32 works fine for semi ridged taping and for thread cutting, but up to 8 or so loops then it goes a bit wrong. needed to find out how g76 worked. so it was sort of in my mind when i read the thread.
plus, with a lot of other things as well, people in the know tend to think others are in the know and they will put up a line like that with no description expecting you to know what your doing. e.g.....
Q. how do i cut a thread on lathe?
A. use g76
no help to any one. the answer should of been......
use g76. and this is how you do it blaa blaa blaa.
just one thing about the vid. yes a cnc can move all it's axis at once, but it's unwise to move all 3 when positioning. best to move the Z axis out the way first, then the other 2.
G0 Z20 moves the head up out of the way.
X0 Y0 positions head over home.
Z0 move head to home.
best to do this at the end of the program as well. last thing you want is the cutter down the bottom of a 50mm deep pocket then a G0 X0Y0Z0 command.