The workshop will have many topics and I suspect would be very useful to you, or anyone trying to get into CNC. The 'build class' is limited to 12 guys and is already sold out. But the seminars run for 3 days and are open to all.
Brian Barker, the owner of Mach, will be there all 3 days and will do several seminars, besides just being there to chat with.
The speaker program does not really get firmed up until the day of the talks. It would be nice if it was all worked out ahead of time, but there are just to many variables to make that happen.
The Saturday program is a new idea this year so its not exactly clear how it will work out. The plan is that the one day attendees will get a single, special seminar, in the big auditorium. When I last talked to George he was still working on it, but planned it to be a general, more introductory session than some of the real in-depth stuff of the other days.
It might be best to follow the topic on the Home Shop Machinist forum, as George will be making updates there as things get formalized.
In addition to CNC last year there were several session on EDM by Ben Fleming who wrote the book on building an EDM. And There were sand casting demos most days.
Its a great seminar if for no other reason there are a couple hundred guys with similar interests hanging around to talk for 3 or 4 days.