Cheers gang ...... it does feel good to put life into previously inanimate lumps of metal 8)
I've learnt a lot from this little engine ................ which may be useful for other newb's
1) I need to work on accuracy
2) I need to have a long hard look at work holding, particularly for the little mill with a view to milling/drilling angles
3) I need to read up much more on milling cutters and what does what ....... if anyone has a link to an "idiot's guide" ...... to get me going it would be appreciated
4) My polishing skills still leave a lot to be desired
and 5) ......... I must sort out a manifold etc from the compressor ........ think I'll start a separate thread on that one
but most of all 6) ...... I have enjoyed it ;D ............ so for anyone dithering out there ....... just do it, if it don't work, keep at it ......... it's fun
Ralph, no idea at present what the base will end up as, the little lump of 1/2" MS is doing a sterling job at the moment though
...........unfinished as it is
.......... as you say "each to his own" .......... for me it's making it work, and looking ...... errrrrr tidy ... (ish) :
7) Delrin might not be the best material to use for a cylinder / piston ............. but it works ...... at least for the short term, as for the long term :-X ......... ask me come Christmas.