Nice conversations going on here. A pleasure to watch.
But Pat, no google? You already use youtube. You could use a vpn and incognito mode, or something like that.
No offense intended, and no answer required, LOL, just yanking your chain.

P.S. I have been resisting the facebook urge.
No I don't use ytube.
I am on Vimeo.
I was on Facebook for 2 days, but they got really really creepy.
I was trying to stay incognito, and they sent me an email, and said that in order for them to continue my account, they needed a close up photo of my face.
I sent the a reply email "fu".
At first I thought it was a spoof emai, but then I researched it, and Facebook really does send out those emails.
For the two days I was on Facebook, they popped up every person I had ever known, worked with, was related to, and people I had known 40 years ago that I had forgotten existed. They are not kidding when they say they know more about you than you do.
And they track everything you say, everything you do, everything you have purchased, etc.
It is a huge data mining organization, and beyond big brother 1984 stuff.
Creepiest thing I have ever experienced in my life.
It can best be described as the quintasential Orwellian nightmare.
Google/Youtube also got real creepy and starting insisting I enter all sorts of personal information.
A big "fu" to them too.
Sorry for the French language.