Thanks for the tip Jeff, but had already cut it. Okay, vertical is trimmed down. Holes drilled and tapped. I was sweating tapping the holes, so went very carefully. Man, a 4-40 is tiny, plus i have broken lots more taps in aluminum and brass than i ever have in steel. Surprisingly, they tapped quite easily and i didn't break anything.
I don't like using set screws, so if at all possible i won't use them. They expand the metal where they tighten up and if you need to adjust whatever it is that's set, it can be difficult without using a hammer or some other persuader. Anyway, i strayed from the plans and cut a couple of slots and added a screw to make a collar that would clamp down the bushing. Works good, hold a piece of 3/8 drill rod nice and snug.
Next i did the easy part and drilled the holes in the base. Figured while i had it in the vice i might as well thread some holes and put some feet on it. Used some 10-24 sh cap screws, sits nice and flat. I'm glad i left the base thick. The extra metal adds some weight and stability.
I flipped the base over and cut a slot .015 deep for the vertical to set in. No special reason for this other than i just felt like it. ;D In any case, it fits well and i like the way it looks.
Well, that's the frame. Next are the cylinders. Need to cut some metal to size, the cut the features.
If i end up pursuing this hobby, i'm going to need some different tooling, and maybe , tools. First, i need a better drill chuck. The only one i have in R8 is the one that came with the milling machine and you can measure the runout on that thing with a yardstick. I have a bunch of collets and can usually work around it using those, or chucking a part in the lathe and drilling with it. I don't have any collets for holding small bits.
Next maybe is a mini mill. My milling machine is not huge, a 6x26 knee mill, but i have it set up pretty tight for accuracy purposes. Fine for cutters 1/8 or larger, but tricky when you use anything smaller. I'm thinking a well tuned mini may have it's advantages. Anyway, here.s so photos. Will post maor as i progress. Any advice is always appreciated. Regards, j.d.