Well the ole noodle kept mulling this over, when I finally realized (remembered) that I have several old CPAP machines that have a chamber that heats water to make a vapor. So after a trip to a local store the sells sundry items, I bought some incense sticks, presume they are called jos-stick's in the UK, anyway after a few hrs of machining and a trip to the hardware I had the necessary hardware to connect the CPAP machine to my 1/4-32 Spark Plug thread. An initial trial indicates that this will produce sufficient smoke

, there is a small needle valve so the unit can be adjusted to barley push the smoke or increase to push more air than the (4) incense sticks produce, of course one could add more incense sticks. Now to make new rings for the PUMP piston and give this smoke tester a real test. Being early evening here in Calif. it was too late for a photo will do if anyone is interested. Oh, by the way I'd bought the CPAP machine from a garage sale for $35, when on a fishing trip - long story
