Based on Signal Failure's post
I started off by hacking off a bit of 40mm aluminium and turning it down to be a sliding fit in the spindle bore.
Then I flipped it over and turned it down to fit the bore of the change gears that came with my lathe, and whacked an 8mm hole through it.
I slotted the spindle end with a hacksaw,
and filed a keyway and matching key.
I tapped an 8mm thread in a bit of 10mm mild steel, turned a taper, then loctited in a bit of 8mm threaded rod.
All together:
The frame is just some aluminium angle riveted together, with a block of aluminium bolted on to hold the detent.
The detent is just a piece of 10mm mild steel, turned down for a section to fit a spring, and filed to match the shape of the gear teeth.
Here it is set up and in use:
It is worthwhile noting that my lathe has a safety interlock, it can't run if the cover is open, you can see the switch just to the right of the small pulley above.
Nevertheless, it is a good idea to unplug machines whenever they are used manually, it is just too easy to make a mistake.
I started off by hacking off a bit of 40mm aluminium and turning it down to be a sliding fit in the spindle bore.
Then I flipped it over and turned it down to fit the bore of the change gears that came with my lathe, and whacked an 8mm hole through it.
I slotted the spindle end with a hacksaw,
and filed a keyway and matching key.
I tapped an 8mm thread in a bit of 10mm mild steel, turned a taper, then loctited in a bit of 8mm threaded rod.
All together:
The frame is just some aluminium angle riveted together, with a block of aluminium bolted on to hold the detent.
The detent is just a piece of 10mm mild steel, turned down for a section to fit a spring, and filed to match the shape of the gear teeth.
Here it is set up and in use:
It is worthwhile noting that my lathe has a safety interlock, it can't run if the cover is open, you can see the switch just to the right of the small pulley above.
Nevertheless, it is a good idea to unplug machines whenever they are used manually, it is just too easy to make a mistake.