I think he looks great. Definitely a salty ol' sailor.
So I worked on all the problems that showed up on the first run and then took it back out for another test. I found a better pond for this run and had a very good outing. All I had to do was fill the boiler feed water tanks up when they got low. The rest of the time was spent running the boat all over the pond. I am thrilled with how it ran this time. I guess this should conclude the thread. I may update it with a video when the weather gets cold. This run was on an 85F day so the steam doesn't show up all that well.
Thanks to everyone that followed along and especially to those that helped me by taking the time to post ideas and suggestions to help me get this built !!
The engine video didn't show this view down the stack, its hard to get a good image with all the heat and steam fogging the camera. It's kind of neat looking so here is a still shot
View attachment ImageUploadedByModel Engines1502150753.038883.jpg