A good friend of mine and I were talking a few days ago. Both his and my interests are in fairly complicated Stationary steam engines. While I have nothing against the Internal Combustion types, And I've learned a huge ammout reading about how the average HSM type builds and overcomes all the hard parts like cam and crank manufacturing for both single and multi cylinder engines. It's still not where my major interests are. As far as magazines for the average HSM person, The people who build Live Steam Locomotives, I.C. Engines, Workshop equipment ect. It seems to be fairly well covered. Various magazines like Model Engineer, Model Engineers Workshop, Live Steam, Engineering in Miniature, Model Engine Builder magazine, and the Village Press magazines cover the above topics pretty well. Yet probably a higher majority of people build stationary Steam engines than either I.C., Workshop equipment as a partial or totall hobby, or even locomotives.
This was both my friends and my points. I'd like to post this thread here on this forum and all the rest of the forums I belong to as a open place for comments as to the members thoughts for say 60 days, And then send a link for this thread to various publishers for our types of magazines. What is the general ammount of interest for a magazine dealing with Stationary steam? Looking at various older Model Engineer magazines, There was a huge ammount of some very nice and really rare engines built over the years. Yet it was spaced out and massive ammounts of this information has been lost for good unless you have access to those back issues. Our thoughts were a magazine of this type should be done along the lines of how and what Fine Woodworking magazine publishes for the woodworker. A high end, glossy, well done, and researched magazine. For those that agree or even disagree with this thread then I'd really appreciate your comments. As I said, Given enough interest I plan on sending this thread to various publishers. If you don't post, Your voice will not be heard.
This was both my friends and my points. I'd like to post this thread here on this forum and all the rest of the forums I belong to as a open place for comments as to the members thoughts for say 60 days, And then send a link for this thread to various publishers for our types of magazines. What is the general ammount of interest for a magazine dealing with Stationary steam? Looking at various older Model Engineer magazines, There was a huge ammount of some very nice and really rare engines built over the years. Yet it was spaced out and massive ammounts of this information has been lost for good unless you have access to those back issues. Our thoughts were a magazine of this type should be done along the lines of how and what Fine Woodworking magazine publishes for the woodworker. A high end, glossy, well done, and researched magazine. For those that agree or even disagree with this thread then I'd really appreciate your comments. As I said, Given enough interest I plan on sending this thread to various publishers. If you don't post, Your voice will not be heard.