I know what you mean....I had a friend come stay with me as he was visiting on holiday from Germany on that sad day....I picked him up late that afternoon and drove to my house....the radio antenna was about to tear off my pickup at highway speeds from the size flag I had hanging on it..I picked it up on the road side store that was technically closed...but I asked to buy a flag....he gave it to me, even helped me put it on....funny we all understand why we ALL did German friend and his wife had no clue and asked me why...I almost couldn't answer him..I finaly sputtered out... I was proud and mad as hell....( I was really heartbroken...but that's how it came out) .they seemed appalled that I was angry we (Americans) must not be rash..we drove in silence for the next hour...when I got home I finally got to see what had happened, as the internet was basically brought to it's knees from the traffic, I had yet to see what had happened...I watched in horror as the towers fell...over and over again on all the many times did we watch it..they were shocked and honestly very uncomfortable,,,,because I was mad....not in a screaming yelling kind of way..I didn't say much....but in a deep dark, deliberate, very heart broken way...a way that needs no voice to comprehend and certainly no clarification required...and not in a way to be messed with. I said we would be at war within the week..again they were appalled...took a little longer than that....They left two days later (early) and went back to Germany....we haven't talked much since.....
I think that emotion is what made us all act that way, single minded , watch your neighbors back, first things first, ect. for a long time.
Much air has been vented on whether the war was justified or not....I really don't want to hear it...we are where we are.
Today...I'm still mad as hell, heart broken and proud.......
Don't know why I wrote this.....guess I needed to
Remember what the American Way of Life WAS on September 10th,2001 and watch the video again....seems we all need to be reminded
Don't EVER forget.