Not sure if this is of interest to anyone?
Not sure if you can read it either...!
But it explains that (as designed for industry)
- ceramic burners: 950 deg.C; 120kW/sq.m,
- Metal fibre burners: 1050deg.C.: 200kW/sq.m,
- Porous ceramic burners: 1450deg.C; 1000kW/sq.m.
I don't know about a coal fire (unforced) or coal fire (Forced) but I'll try and find out. I do know that the large lump of a coal fire inside a firebox, especially when forced - provides around 10 times the power of a ceramic plate of the same area as the grate of a loco boiler. As a friend put it re: his 4" vertical boiler on his Clayton Wagon: "With a Gas burner she can only just make tea, but with a forced coal fire she steams like a Witch!" (John A. - I assume you have the same appreciation with yours?).
The first requirement for designing a boiler from scratch is to understand the "power" requirement and how to heat it - and get rid of the exhaust gases. - Something George Stephenson did remarkably well.... - so maybe this really is "Rocket" science?
John A. - Although I have put it on this thread, this bit of useless trivia isn't anything other than general bumpf for anyone interested. However,
I am interested to see your superheater and "hear" your whistle blow! - When you have the time for the final video.
Have fun with your CNC set-up!