Wow, Christmas day, already. I got kind of vacuumed up in the real world of work and also complicated by some other things I don't need to bore you guys with.
tornitore, yes the ingnition came with the sensor. When I damaged mine I checked a replacment from the company, I think 7 or 8 bucks plus shipping. Being quite frugal (CHEAP ;D), I decided to try ebay for parts. I refound MBs post on the Upshur engine, and searched out the components.
Results were :10 sensors for $6.45, free shipping
: 10 Fubata connectors with leads $10 free shipping Both direct shipped from China, took a couple weeks.
Also: 5 pair EC3 connector, $4.99 plus 1.75 shipping.
Not bad, 10 sensors with connectors $16.45, do the math. Now I have to brush up on my small parts soldering.
Now I have to get busy and try to get my engine ready for Cabin Fever in a few weeks. ;D
More to follow.