Me too! (Ah, so many tools, so little money... :'()
It looks like the catalog has slimmed down a bit from last year -- by some 40 pages. Which is good, in a way. They need to concentrate on their niche, and not allow their catalog to morph into a boat anchor (as MSC's and Grainger's have.)
Big news in the mill area is the re-introduction of the 8" x 30" mill. To me this seems like a nice size for the home shop -- a very workable compromise between the bench mills and the full-size, Bridgeport-size models. Sometime in the early-nineties(?) they discontinued the 8 x 30 (perhaps it morphed into the strange "Wood Mill"?) Now they've brought it back, but added a varable-frequency drive and some fancy folding handles and priced the thing into the stratosphere. The price for the 8 x 30 (G0678), with power feed, is $4115.00. Meanwhile, you can purchase their basic 9 x 42 turret mill (G9901, Bridgeport clone), with power feed, for $3,895.00!
Here's the "new" 8 x 30 mill:
This is the one I bought new back in the mid-eighties for around $1800:
After some tweaking, it was a really nice machine. Hated having to get rid of it.
P.S. - The catalog alludes to some kind of a round-ram version of this mill, directing the reader to for more details. Could find no mention of it on the website. ???