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  1. R

    The Sherline's gettin' some love

    I have an LED sewing machine light on my mini-lathe. With its flex head I can put the light where I want it...
  2. R

    Micrometer Stand

    If you keep waiting to get a 3D printer you will be missing a lot of opportunities. The printer does not need to be the best, nor the fastest. Find a corner to put it in, load up filament and start printing. You can upgrade later if you find it very useful. I load a print and once I am...
  3. R

    Try this price for a mini lathe

    Aliexpress isn't for making a snap decision. You get what you bought, not what you thought you bought. You need to look at all the pictures, compare the prices based on the picture highlighted, then read the description, then add in the shipping cost. While the lathe can be had (one of them...
  4. R

    Parting off - Left over nib

    When your cut gets almost to the center the piece away from the chuck will bend away from the parting tool just a tiny amount before the tool completes the cut. I don't think you can avoid the nib on that part.
  5. R


    I've tried the water in a hose level idea. It didn't work very well as it takes a little time for the water column to start moving and just as much time for it to stop moving. Raise the end one inch, wait until all oscillations stop, try again.
  6. R

    DIY hand held Hall Effect tach with Arduino

    Be aware that many items in the kits are probably ones that could not pass quality control. I have found a few that are definitely defective. For instance, a DHT22 temperature/humidity sensor that shows the approximate temperature but off by a few degrees from other thermometers that is...
  7. R

    DIY hand held Hall Effect tach with Arduino

    I have made a few different projects using the Arduino or ESP series. I look at the list of example programs (called sketches) and compare what they do to what I want, then copy and paste sections to get close to what I want, then code from there.
  8. R

    DIY hand held Hall Effect tach with Arduino

    All of those parts will work with any Arduino as they all work on 5 volts and low current. Some of them will work with the 3.3 volts of the ESP32, some will not. The Arduinos have a current limit of about 20ma per output pin and a cumulative limit too so you can't necessarily use all the pins...
  9. R

    DIY hand held Hall Effect tach with Arduino

    There are at least 2 kits of modules, a 37 piece one and a 45 piece set. I may be able to get a picture of the 45 piece kit too if some of you want it.
  10. R

    Indexing on a 80mm3" rotary table

    That file downloaded as soon as I clicked on it and went into my download folder. Opening it with Libre Office it looks good.
  11. R

    DIY hand held Hall Effect tach with Arduino

    Can I guess that you bought a sensor kit for Arduino. Mine came without labels too but I found this image on another site. Maybe it will help you.
  12. R

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas. May you have a safe and productive new year.
  13. R

    Cheapy, cheep, cheep

    I won't tell if you don't tell anyone that I came to this forum to learn machining techniques to repair my old farm equipment and don't often even make stuff. I took a single quarter in college on machining was only one quarter and that was over 50 years ago. I may have forgotten some...
  14. R

    Design and 3D Modelling

    I find that the tutorials put out by Mango Jelly Solutions to be quite thorough and easy to follow. You can look through his offerings and start anywhere that you have competence for. I had to start at the beginning but I am up to #25 now...
  15. R

    Nothing Lasts Forever

    People have tested Mitotoyo calipers against cheap calipers and found that they are about equal for accuracy. Buy a $10 digital with the stainless steel body (not the carbon composite) and use them for casual measuring. Go ahead and use the sharp points to scribe on steel. Then when you need...
  16. R

    Ball bearing center

    In my area of the US, a new MT3 center like that ranges in price from $10 to $30. Buy a new one. Regrinding will likely cost much more.
  17. R

    Shaft won't fit bearing

    My local automotive repair shop has been complaining that replacement bearings won't fit the shaft the old one had been removed from. Sometimes it takes a couple tries to get a bearing that fits.
  18. R

    New to me.

    You probably won't be able to cut more threads with a die. There is a substantial difference in the bolt diameter beyond the threads that are already there and a die will not be able to cut threads into this larger diameter. Go to a hardware store and see if you can get concrete anchor bolts...
  19. R

    Looking for a Cylindrical (barrel) cam

    How do those differ from Heim joints...
  20. R

    HELP, my shop is a MESS

    In the top left of the picture there are 2 canisters, one of which has a bleed screw at the bottom. Those are filters for diesel fuel and the bleed screw is to expel water. From the top right of the filters, a rubber hose leads to the right and down slightly to the injection pump. On top of...